Keep ERP simple

Take back control of your business processes,
with flexible ERP systems

Keep ERP simple

Take back control of your business processes, with flexible ERP systems

Are you still working with complex, inflexible and costly ERP systems?

Is your organization still working with old ERP systems that are not organization-wide in use and integrated? If so, information cannot be exchanged easily and quickly.

Data becomes contaminated and information is often delivered late and incorrectly. In short; employees do not have up-to-date and useful information and your organization works unnecessarily inefficiently and slowly.

Our offer


Business Solutions

Get more out of your ERP systems. With flexible add-ons, integrate various business applications seamlessly into your IT landscape.

ERP Implementation

A successful implementation of your ERP platform requires knowledge of solutions to complex issues, combined with careful preparation and execution.

Project Management

Implementing and expanding ERP systems? Looking for experienced and reliable project managers with a focus on customization and measurable results?

Keep ERP simple

KES stands for Keep ERP Simple. And that's exactly what we do. Even in comprehensive, complex environments, with various interactions and dependencies. That's precisely when we keep the focus on simplicity that works.

Experience shows that many companies have complex software, which often does not support the company's business processes in the way you want. The ERP system is often complex, dominant and often a 'finance party', while sales is busy with CRM. And operations has other needs...

KES supports companies that have been working a certain way for years to optimize their ERP systems, allowing them to respond faster to customers and markets.

Getting more out of your ERP systems?

KES supports companies in optimizing their ERP systems so that business processes run a lot more efficiently.